Steps to Humanity

Artists: Brigitte Secard / Vivache Designs / Studio DBJ

Location: 1st Street Bridge staircase 

The artwork is intended to improve public health by introducing new paradigms to engage every single member of the community to help our world move out of the normalization of violence, division, hatred and insularity into igniting the forces of humanity, beautify, connection and meaning. 

The colors on the column symbolize a geometric sunrise of the world soul. The child’s head reflects the united vibrant beauty of global culture and ancestry, also depicting the bandaged head of 357 million children living in war right now (1 in 6 children on planet earth are experiencing war as you are now reading these words). The child's mouth is not passively inert but alive and actively speaking innocent truth, asking for a bright beautiful new world of new paradigms. The background color symbolizes the night sky of our ever-expanding universe (with small geometric diamonds imbuing the feeling of stars), and the overall design now visually invokes an opening doorway into an unknown, wondrous dimension within our cosmos of healing and awakening. The specific spaced-out juxtaposed placements of the I Speak Human are meant to demonstrate the notion of a ubiquitous new normal of seeing the humanity in self and others and having a much larger part of our everyday lives be illuminated by those interactions instead of the current social landscape. Essentially, now the entire front facing design excites, inspires, compels, draws you in and ultimately functions as a visual invitation to a new world.